If you have any questions regarding your delivery or if you would like to report an issue, request a refund or report the wrong item being delivered you can contact us on +971 4 397 1246 and a member of our customer satisfaction team will handle your request.
Returns/replacements will be assessed by one of our customer service team members who will arrange for a return or replacement item.
As this is a temperature controlled food item, no returns are allowed. Still if a product has been delivered in a faulty way and you are eligible for a replacement unit, an identical item will be delivered to you at no additional cost
Users can request a refund return within 3 days of receiving the order.
Refunds will be processed back to the same form of payment used.
Products must be unopened. In case of the wrong product being delivered, our delivery driver will pick up the wrong item and replace it with the correct item within 3 business days.
No return/refund/restocking charges apply.